
Privacy Statement

Spidatek values the security of its customers. This document contains specific details regarding the use of information gathered by visitors and clients while viewing the site.

"Commited to respecting and protecting your personal privacy."

Spidatek respects your privacy and is committed to making sure your personal information remains your business. This policy is applicable to all pages within the spidatek domain.

Collection of Information
Spidatek servers anonymously collect specific information from visitors browsers such as operating system and IP address. This information is used in complete discretion for gathering statistical anaylsis on the platforms used by clients and potential clients in order to provide the best service possible. Furthermore, the only owner of this statistical data is Spidatek. It is against company policy for any employee to willfully divulge such information, and Spidatek affirms this information is used with utmost discretion.

Use of Client Information
Spidatek assures that no business or personal information submitted by its clients is used in any fashion other than billing and maintaining contact with Spidatek employees. Spidatek does not distrubite, sell, license or otherwise disclose any client information other than those stated in this privacy statement.

Links and External Privacy
While Spidatek can guarantee the privacy of user information whithin the confines of this website, there are various links contained which direct users to external websites. Spidatek cannot and does not guarantee security and privacy when browsing these sites, however it is our sincerest hope in the interest of ethics your privacy shall be maintained. These links often offer services or showcase works by the Spidatek team.

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